Algae Help...


New Member
Apr 10, 2005
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New around here... Having trouble with Green Algea growth... I have a 70 gallon tank that has been running for 3 months... I have live rock, 20 snails, 20 Crabs... The Problem is when I run my Hallides during the day, by the time I get home there is nice growth going on...I used tap water to start the tank, but my water changes are done with water from lfs. What can I do... Should I invest in a phosphate sponge?
That's what I'm doing....

In your size tank, you could consider getting animal help in the form of a mithrax/emerald crab. They eat different kinds of algae from the reef.
Is the water from your LFS RODI water? if not I would invest in one.

Do you have a refugium and/or skimmer? if not I would HIGHLY recomend one or the other.

What is the kalvin rating on your bulb?
Max said:
Is the water from your LFS RODI water? if not I would invest in one.

Do you have a refugium and/or skimmer? if not I would HIGHLY recomend one or the other.

What is the kalvin rating on your bulb?
I guess I assumed it is RODI water from the LFS, will ask on my next trip... I do have a skimmer running... Not sure on the Kelvin on the bulb... it is a 150w 10,000 HQI... are some thoughts:
1) since your started out with tap, maybe you can invest in a phosphate test and check your levels. RO/DI is the way to go IMO. Also, can you trust your source of water to be phosphate free?
2) how long are the lights running for? can you cut the lighting down?
3) definitely would invest in either PhosGuard or Phosban and put it in empirically
4) What kind of snails? 1 per 2 gallon...would a few more snails help? I have astrea in mine and they are algae vacuums.
5) Like Parker 313, I have two mithrax (emerald) and they too are doing a good job
6) If your phosphates are high, it might pay to invest in an RO you have a refugium or can you start one? Macroalgae can compete with the nutrient load and possibly help eliminate the algae. Good luck.

Thanks for the replies guys...

I went to the lfs today, to get water to top off, they assured me that it is RODI water....I have 20 snails currently for a 70 gallon tank...Should I invest in more snails.... I was running my lights for 10 hours... I have since dialed it back to 5 hours and have noticed a great difference in the amount of Algea in the tank. I will invest in a phosphate test and check my levels....
Invest in a larger cleanup crew. The general rule is 1 crew per gallon. So... you need 70 snails/crabs!!!!!

This should help quite a bit.
I have a total of 40 Snails/Crabs(20 of each), Running my lights for 5 hours instead of 10 is really helping... Should I increase my cleaning crew?
The lights will help... but I would still invest in more of a cleaning crew. 1 per gallon is the standard.
Also, for any kind of nutrient,(phosphates in this case), export to work. your water movement and turnover rate must be optimal.

Do a hair algae search for even more past advice and ideas.


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