Algae eating fish etc.


New Member
Feb 28, 2004
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Levittown, NY, US (on Long Island)
Hi, does anyone have any recommendations on what algae eating fish I could add to my 46 gallon tank. It is new so I only have one Farlowella acus, and a dwarf ram in there now for about 1 week I don't want to add to quickly to the tank but the algae is getting out of hand. It is flowing in the current and building daily.

I know I could go in and clean it manually but I think my boys would love to watch some fish do it.

I was thinking of ghost shrimp but how many?

Any recommendations would be appreciated. :D

Bristlenoses, SAE, Ottos. Are pretty good.
sewfishy said:
Thanks, for the recommendations, not to sound dumb but what are SAE's. I've heard of bristlenoses, and otto's but the SAE is unfamiliar. :dunno:
Siamese Algae Eater, Crossocheilus siamensis

(not to be confused with the Chinese Algae Eater, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri)
Some snail species are also good algae eaters. Many omnivorous fish will also munch on algae - most sharks, swordtails, and, as I have heard, some barbs.

Some pet stores also refer to SAE's as flying foxes.
Get some otos, the only place in my tank that has algae is on top of the airstone, and thats because the bubbles push them to the top whenever they try to eat it.
Yes, Ottos and SAE's are great for getting that algae under control again. I have a 55gal planted tank i am setting up and right now i only have 5 ottos in it and one Thai Flying Fox(perhaps its a SAE...just miss labeled...i can only hope)...but i am planning on getting about 8 or more ottos and a few more SAE's. The way i see otto. for ever 5 gals of water or so. Little buggas just never stop chowing down on the stuff. The SAE's will eat types of algae that the ottos won't eat also...such as black beard algae and the like. Also will clean up after the ottos...very nicely. Anywho! Hope you have great success! Toodles! :D
Hey.....get a bristlenose tank was FULL of algae....until I got my little an inch long (baby) he managed to strip the tank of algae in 2 days!!!

Since then he has grown quite a bit (is now 3 inches and FAT)....and is the most cooperative fish I have.

BTW....due to his constant "sucking" action....his name is Dyson!!1
Bristlenose !!!!

They are wicked algae eaters

I have 3 the biggest is about 31/2 inches i dont have any algae in my tank.

The only thing i would surggest is DON'T just get one, although they are quite solitry mind are fine together and the place were i bought them surggested at least 2

Good Luck

hope they help :D
cutechic said:
I'd definitely recommend otos. They just don't stop eating algae.
Me too! I had SAEs in my smallest tank which I left the algae in on purpose for them but they didn't eat any. I moved the 2 SAEs to the bigger tank to be with the others and got 4 otos and they have cleaned my whole tank in the week I have had them.

I wouldn't recomment hillstream loaches as these are coldwater fish, but many people do becuase they live off an organism in the algae.

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