Algae Eaters


New Member
Jan 19, 2006
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What do Algae eaters feed on to keep alive, do they eat the same as the tropical fish flakes?

Or do they need something differnt?

I dont have enough Algae for them LOL

They eat ALGAE!!!!! helce the name ALGAE EATER!!! lol! I there is no algae in your tank for them to eat, feed the algae eaters algae pellets, which you can find at your local fish store :]
Zuchini cucumbers and lettuce would be good for them. Just weight it down with something so it will be on the gravel.
is that normal lettuce?
that we eat?
and is it ok for the other fish, if they eat it?

If you mean Plecos I have read they especially like romaine lettuce (whatever that is! must find out) other fish might eat it too. Also most fish like cooked peas with the skin removed. Don't give them too many peas or too often as it makes them "go" too much. :) Peas sink on their own IME.

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