Algae Eaters In With Betta?


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2005
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Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA)
The 10g is getting a lot of algae build up in it and I wondered if the betta might tolerate another fish on his side of the tank to help with cleaning? My other tanks with sucker fish types are spotless and I hate seeing green stuff in the 10g.

The side the Paradisefish is on had algae growing on the java moss so bad I took it out and gave it to the corys in the 20g and they have it completely cleaned up already in a few days. I don't think she would tolerate anyone living in her side of the tank though.
I have 3 otos that used to be w/ a male betta and now live with 6 females. As long as you have a large enough tank and you get healthy, fat ones and supplement their food with algae wafers, they do great. They aren't much for cleaning the middle of the tank though.
Why not get a algae scrubber? I use one. Pretty hard getting around the edges. I dont know if the betta would tolerate a algae cleaner but Im sure he would tolerate an algae scrubber. :D ...
Why not get a algae scrubber? I use one. Pretty hard getting around the edges. I dont know if the betta would tolerate a algae cleaner but Im sure he would tolerate an algae scrubber. :D ...

On that note, those magnetic algae scrubbers have free shipping at I've also found prices to be cheaper online than in the store! So ridiculous.. but anyways, I think ottos would be a fine choice but they tend to be sensitive so it's recommended to put them in a mature tank (6+ months, cycled, stable). Or an Apple Snail, if you've got plants the Bridgessi (sp?) sort will not eat them.
Snails arn't always a good choice some times the betta will start to nip at it too much for it to even work, and probably kill it at the same time.
Snails arn't always a good choice some times the betta will start to nip at it too much for it to even work, and probably kill it at the same time.

The existing snails in that tank don't seem to get the job done. It is the only tank I have that has algae in it. I do think the Paradisefish gets the snails that live on her side of the 10g (divided in half). I never see as many in her side and my husband says he has seen her grab at them. The betta doesn't mess with them that I see.

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