Algae Eaters And Plants


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2013
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I have had goldfish before but then I gave up on them because they seemed to last only a few months. I now have tropical fish which are revealing to be very interesting but quite boring.
My girlfriend loves goldfish so I am thinking of getting goldfish again. I'm thinking of three goldfishes for starters.
But there is a problem, I appreciate my light on for about 12 hours and so do the plants. This has revealed to creat a load of algae and so I had to buy a pleco.
Since plecos are tropical and goldfishes aren't, I need an option for algae eaters.
What kinds of algae eaters can I get to put in with goldfishes?
Also, do goldies eat all plants?
Your best option is cleaning the algae up yourself.
There is no reason goldfish should last only a few months if properly cared for. What size is your tank?

As for the algae you need reduce the time your lights are on. You shouldn't need to run your lights for 12 hours. Proper tank maintenance is the best way to combat algae. IMHO, using an algae eater should be viewed as helping with maintenance not correcting a problem.
I am looking for a algae eater that could help me when there is way too much algae. I usually clean up the algae from rocks and such once a week but there's times when algae grows so fast that it makes the tank look too dirty. I'm just looking for a little help in that area
All algae eaters are going to make more mess (in poop) than they ever clean up in algae; they also need their own food :/
What size is your tank and what's the minimum temperature it runs at?

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