New Member
what sort of algae eating fish can i get for my pond?
Hillstream Loaches are unlikely ot survive winters in ponds unless it is a resaonable hot climate. They require fast flowing, well oxygenated water with some broad surfaces to cling on to and feed on tiny algae micro organisms. They would not be suited to life in a Koi pond.corrosive said:Would a butterfly pleco be ok? I herd that they have some in C/W tanks at pets at home.
Oh yeh, i have same problem, ive had my new 4ft tank setup for a week and its all ready covered in green algae, and i cant be bothered to clean it manually. lol.
Yep.......the wet and wonderful winter.FB3333 said:So...
chickity china, the chinese fishy is out of the question for the delightful british winter which is fast approaching then... bummer...