Algae Eater Suggestions


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I get a lot of people coming in to Petsmart looking for a good algae eater. Generally, they already have plecs or are interested in the plecs and chinese algae eaters. Of course, I lead them away from there and suggest lower lighting/less food, etc. and if they insist on fish, that they get a group of otocinclus (along with suggesting supplemental forms of algae).

Any other suggestions for good algae eaters (I might be able to get my manager to order 'em)?
Perhaps something that won't end up being a worse problem than the algae you're trying to get rid of? :p Plus, we only carry mystery snails, and they aren't the best things to use to clean algae... :/
I have noticed that my filament barbs puntis/barbus filamentosa
have cleared my tank of hair algea, they are not listed anywhere as an algae eater but did a gret job in my tank.
the downside is they also love to eat vallis and other plants, but leave java fern and java moss alone.

Royal plecos are IMHO the best algae eating pleco and don't get too huge.
Black mollies are listed as good algae eaters.

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