Algae eater? pros cons


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
I know i don't need an algae eater don't plan on any for my big tank but i think it may be neat to have one(actually four otos) just to see how much difference they really make, but if I don't get them I could get other fish I want.
So could you help me and say if you would try the otos or not? and why or why not?
thanks :)
Pros are obviously they eat algae, they look nice, depending on the species and they're interesting.

Cons are they are often messy waste producers, can grow large, depending on the species and they don't get all the algae. Plus you have to supplement their diet with algae and other kinds of food wafers so you're adding more food, and thus probably more nutrients to the tank that will further algae growth.

IMO it's always better to remove the algae yourself rather than rely on fish, snails and shrimp to do it though having them does help lower the amount of work you have to do and they can add life to a tank. :)
you will always need algae eaters. Ottos are great. i'd recomend 3 or 4 zebra ottos. i shall be getting some soon for my 15g, do ure research first becasue they can die in the first month for no aparent reason. hope mine go well
Definitely get some otos, they're wonderful at keeping the sides of the tank, decorations, and gravel free of algae. Otos stay really small and don't produce much waste, so those are also benefits. I can't actually think of one thing I dislike about otos. -_- :)

Which tank were you thinking of putting them in?
Any more info, people who have algae eater and non-algae eater tanks does it make a difference?
I'm a little confused. When I read about "algae eater", that has always been the chinese algae eater to me. No, I would not recommend one of these, for one because they are not that great at eating algae, secondly because they get fairly good size (compared to what you normally find in the shops) and as they get larger they become aggressive.

Otos are different than chinese algae eaters. Oto is short for otocinclus. They stay relatively small, do an excellent job of algae eating, and because of their small size don't add much of a bio-load to the tank or create much of a mess. I have always kept these with smaller non-aggressive fish, mainly because of the size thing.

Plecos, on the other hand, while they do a good job of keeping the algae under control, can get amazingly large (mine is about 14"), produce a large amount of waste(poo strings), and can tear up a decorated tank in short order when they get larger.

It may just be me, but it seems like there is conflicting information in this thread, people are talking about different fish interchangably.
well i meant all algae eating fish in the questions but jsut wandering how high of importance people keep them as, thanks for your help
Personally, I don't place much importance in them at all. The closest thing I had to an "algae eating fish" in the past was a few mollies, and they only eat algae as an occasional part of their diet (in my expereince at any rate). I agree that the best algae remover is you. Many times a fish that eats algae as a juvenille will not touch it as an adult. Personally I don't seem to have a big algae problem in my tanks, sometimes I just wipe the glass and it's gone. If you have algae that you feel a fish would enjoy, or if you have an algae problem that a fish may (or may not) help with thats something to consider. I don't personally feel they are an "integral" part of an aquarium. That's my opinion at any rate. I buy the fish I like and can properly care for, I don't consider their "use" so that may also figure into my opinion as well.

About all I can add is that ottocinclus are cute timid small fish, I have two keeping my Betta company. He doesn't mind them at all. I just keep them because I like them, though they do a good job of cleaning stones etc. I have heard that the chinese algae eater only eats algae when young, and gets big and aggressive. If you don't mind timid fish then the ottocinclus are okay, they add variety and don't grow huge on ya. They're also wayy too small to rearrange your tank like a lot of fish enjoy doing, that includes coolie loaches...ruddy bulldozers those things. :D

Maybe look at the ottocinclus in the store, see if they're your sorta feesh.

Good luck and let us know what you get!

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