Algae Eater Lonely?


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2006
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i just got another chinese algae eater today because mine died and he seems to be following my cory catfish around and swimming frantically. do you think he's lonely and needs a friend?
:/ I'm afraid Clown Loaches need a much larger tank (sorry, I know you didn't ask about them, but I needed to check how large your tank was and what else you have in them).
These fish grow up to 12" - that's larger than your tank. You'll have to seriously consider upgrading extremely soon, or rehome them.

Do you know why your Chinese Algae eater died ? (BTW. it's not a catfish, but a Cyprinid). These fish also grow up to 10" and are notoriously aggressive - especially in small spaces. I definitely suggest you rehome your CAE as soon as you can.
He's probably chasing your cory because of territorial problems in an extremely small space.

You can perhaps get some dwarf corys or some otos for your tank instead :)
I agree that chinese algae eaters and clown loaches simply grow too big for a 10gal, best to rehome them ASAP as both can grow to 12inches given time(chinese algae eaters usually grow about an inch a month until they are 8inches long, where their growth will slow down, but can eventually grow anything between 10 and 15inches long). CAE's are known for their agressiveness despite being primarily vegetarian fish, although they can be quite peaceful when small, they often turn into agressive horrors as they mature and will attack virtually all types of fish.
sorry that fish list is old... my clown loaches died of ick anyways, been having problems with that. i now have 2 corys instead since they are smaller. but thanks for the advice!!!
I have to say I have never observed a CAE displaying sociable behaviour; if he is following your cories, it is more likely to be because he thinks their slime coat looks yummy. Or for territorial reasons. My CAEs started their slime-sucking behaviour much earlier than the 6 inches usually quoted.

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