"algae eater" id


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
New York
I saw a fish at my LFS labeled "algae eater".
It was shaped kind of like an oto, but its mount was pointier.
It was yellow, and had spots and stripes on it. (I think the spots and stiped were light brown...)

Does anyone know what fish this is?
Nope, its all yellow, and has brownish/orangish sipes and spots...
the one that ravekiss showed you is infact it but the one you saw is just a different colour morph,they get aggresive and arn't suited for communitys

I have a yellow (with some white blotches) one in my community tank. He was one of my very first fish and has grown quite a bit during the past couple of years. However he is very peaceful and never causes any agro with the other fish - even when introducing new bottom feeders and other fish.
Guess he's an exception then......
Ok, thanks, everyone, I wasn't planning on getting one, I just wanted ot know what they were. :)

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