Algae Eater For A 10 Gallon Uk Tank?

an mag-scraper, or your hand. heh.
how many neons and corys do you have in the tank? that's pretty much stocked if it's several of each, 10 gallons are quite tiny.
the only one that would fit is an oto, and they like to be in groups, but i think a mag-scraper would do just as good a job ;)
an mag-scraper, or your hand. heh.
how many neons and corys do you have in the tank? that's pretty much stocked if it's several of each, 10 gallons are quite tiny.
the only one that would fit is an oto, and they like to be in groups, but i think a mag-scraper would do just as good a job ;)
I got six neons and 3 cories...... Trouble is it's a plastic tank so can't really scrape it with anything.!!!!!! Is there anything else I can do to keep algae down???
Snails?? Cheers for your quick reply John
an apple snail may help i think. remember that both algae eaters and snails poop...a lot. so you'll have to remember to keep up on your substrate cleaning!

if you can get hold of one, a freshwater nerite snail are better than apples in the sense that they won't breed in freshwater. apple snails will if there's more than one, they lay their eggs in big pink cocoons above the water surface. plague snails to avoid are ramshorns and pond/bladder snails.

you may also want to look into WHY you're getting algae, what kind of algae is it?
an apple snail may help i think. remember that both algae eaters and snails poop...a lot. so you'll have to remember to keep up on your substrate cleaning!

if you can get hold of one, a freshwater nerite snail are better than apples in the sense that they won't breed in freshwater. apple snails will if there's more than one, they lay their eggs in big pink cocoons above the water surface. plague snails to avoid are ramshorns and pond/bladder snails.

you may also want to look into WHY you're getting algae, what kind of algae is it?

Dunno really.... just plain green whispy stuff on the plants and green spots on the sides of the tank.!!!! I have real plants and the tank is facing a window but approx 15 foot away from it. Am I leaving the light on too long??? How long do I need to have it on for the real plants not to die??? Thanks again John
Oto cat's are excellent algea eaters! get a small shoal of 4-5 of them and your tank will be clean in no time :D
Id add Otos. As long as you have good filtration and are up with maintenance it should be fine.
u can buy algae scrapers specially for plastic tanks im sure.
I'd personally say two Otos should be fine as long as you are keeping up on your water changes.
My apple snail is a pig. Eats everything. I am not really impressed with him, kind of wish I didnt get him.

I put down sinking shrimp pellets for my bristlenose and corys when I turn out the lights, and come back and he is sitting on the top of the pellets eating them. It goes the same for blood worms or anything like that. He will be at the back of the tank, smell that I am feeding blood worms, move very fast over to the front and sit on them and suck them up, so my cory cant have any.

So I dont suggest the big snails.
have you ever thought of amano shrimps, they add very little, if any waste load to the aquarium and eat algae well, i have 2 in my 15 gallon and ive noticed the algea reduced since i added them a few weeks back.
other than that, i think maybe 2 or 3 otos may be OK. keep up with the water changes and gravel vacumming. OR just buy a hand held algea scraper, i know they make them for plastic aquariums, you could use a home made one aswell, ive heard old credit cards work well.

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