Algae Eater...but Which One..?


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I am sure you guys have been asked this question a hundred times, but, I think I know what two I am considering.
My tank is cycled and I am now thinking of getting an algae eater. The tank has been up and running for at least a month and a half now.

Ive been studying different kinds of fish, and I'm thinknig of getting the clown pleco or the bushy nose catfish. What do you think? Does the busy nose really need driftwood, or will they be ok with fake driftwood cave? The driftwood is jsut so expensive from what Ive seen.
I understand both need to have some cave or log they can hide in, and I have two in my tank. One of them the cory catfish tend to use.

Also, will they be okay with cory catfishes? I have 6 of those.

Thanks for your help.
Bristle(byshy)noses should be fine with corys as long as the tank is not too tiny. IME bristlies can get a bit possessive with food but are otherwise peaceful. My female BN shares with 3 paleatus corys.

Not sure if they need bogwood or just like it.
I am sure you guys have been asked this question a hundred times, but, I think I know what two I am considering.
My tank is cycled and I am now thinking of getting an algae eater. The tank has been up and running for at least a month and a half now.

Ive been studying different kinds of fish, and I'm thinknig of getting the clown pleco or the bushy nose catfish. What do you think? Does the busy nose really need driftwood, or will they be ok with fake driftwood cave? The driftwood is jsut so expensive from what Ive seen.
I understand both need to have some cave or log they can hide in, and I have two in my tank. One of them the cory catfish tend to use.

Also, will they be okay with cory catfishes? I have 6 of those.

Thanks for your help.

I have a clown Pleco. They need to have a cave to call home or they are not happy. As the for drift wood they can live with out it but are happiest with some in the tank. I just put a small bit in my tank for my Clown and he really likes it. I highly recommend you get some when you can if you want to keep these guys.

As for algae cleaning My clown does not do much work in that department. He eats left over food and algae wafers. I have had my algae get a little crazy and my clown does not care. The reason I got him was because they only get 4-5 inches and I love they way they look. I hear the bristle nose does a better job at cleaning algae. I am waiting for my fish store to order me some Pit Bull plecos these little guys only get 2 inches long and from what I have read love to clean algae. We will see next Friday.

The Clown pleco I have is very peacful and does not mind other fish in his large cave. He does get a little protective of his food sometimes but no big deal its cute to watch him pounce on the Rams that try and eat his waffers.

I had a chinise algae eater in my tank to clean the algae. He did a great job. But was starting to get big and was very bossy. My Clown pleco would not come out as much with that fish around. The chinise was a great worker but a bully to all the fish and it just gets worst as they grow up. Not to mention they get to be 1 foot long and stop eating algae the bigger they get. So I had to bring him back to the store.

The Siamese algae eater is one of the best little workers you can get. I am still looking for one.
well as above said clown plecs arnt avid algae eater they will eat but i doubt it wuld make much of a dent if u have alot of it but if u do go for a clown U DO NEED WOOD in ur tank it is a wood eating plec and need it for digestion and so it can get its nutritional values along with fresh veg etc etc ... u would be much better off with a bristlenose (bushhynose) far better at eating and clearing algae but there other various plecs which will do the same.... eiether way u need 2 read up on the 2 plecs and make sure u know exactly wots needed 2 keep them happy and healthy :)

hope that helps


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