Algae Discs = Algae Everywhere?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2008
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Do algae discs promote algae growth in your tank? I recently got a tank and fed my pleco algae discs, and a week later when I was doing a water change i noticed that the plastic plants were COVERED in algae. I got algae discs in the first place because my tank had no algae (because it was new) and now i have too much algae :blink:
The algae is only on my plastic plants, the aquarium glass was getting a bit green also, but now to the point where you couldn't see through it
You may be feeding too much, as higher nitrate may promote algae. Also look at the lighting regime, how long it is on for, intensity etc. Tapwater can also contain phosphate, so see if your local lfs will do a phosphate test for you. Algae wafers can break up and get blown around the tank after a while. Ensure you give them as much as can be eaten in 15 minutes, net out anything uneaten after that time. :)

The algae is only on my plastic plants, the aquarium glass was getting a bit green also, but now to the point where you couldn't see through it
Yep what Gibbo said. Algae spores are present in pretty much every tank but unless there is a source of food for them (ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, etc) then they cant grow. Cutting down on the amount you feed, doing regular water changes and if needed using phosphate/nitrate removers in your filter will keep the algae at bay.

if it is a new tank then it is most likely brown/thread algae. This is normal in new tanks and will burn itself out eventually. Just remove as much as you can by hand.

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