Algae control


40 plus year fish keeper
Feb 24, 2004
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In a tank where otos will be devoured, and plecos will suck on my ropefish :p I'm just thinking into my 55 gallons fully set-up future, and algae probs, the ropefish will get sucked on by plecos, otos WILL be eaten by the gudgeons, the geo, the sev, the pictus cat ETC, should I just mannually use the scraper, or are there any fish brave or tough enough to complete the job?

Oops, this is dwarfs, my dad forgot to log out :p
Im afraid when you enter the world of predators a scraper is your only friend against algea, ive yet to find any fish that can do the job efficiently without ending up as food.
If you dont have noctournal or burrowing snail hunters you may be able to get a little hep from some MTS also you might try a floating Alge magnet there rather easy for us lazzy people to use
Malaysian trumpet snails are carnivours that eat very little if any algea. These are a good allie in predator tanks though as they clean up any small pieces of meaty foods that the large messy eaters may drop, be sure to keep the population down by removing and large snails that you see though as a large colony can cause the nitrate lavels to rise dramaticly.
Really CFC? I didnt have an algea problem at all till i removed my MTS (in prepairation for getting my dwarf puffer) and as soon as I got rid of them my tank walls started gettin green spots all over which soon became a lawn. No matter thougth I scrape it off with a razor and the fish love to eat it.
Well, I'm going to have a horse faced loach, and possibly 3 polkadot loaches. Di they eat snails? If they do my tank will be an algae paradice :p

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