Algae Cleaning


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
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East Yorks
I've seen a couple of YouTube videos where people use electric toothbrushes for scrubbing algae - but I can't get a bit of my brain to compute putting it underwater? Just wondered if anyone else has done it and if anyone has any tips on which ones to pick out?

Just to mention this is for a 300 litre tank going through a painful diatoms phase... but it pains me to leave it like that for too long.

I have used a non electric tootbush on my tank for hard to get places, but as @CaptainBarnicles said your going to need a bigger toothbrush as mine was only about a 5 gallon tank and I found it pretty time consuming cleaning it with a toothbrush.
I'm just teasing Wills 🤪 I'm assuming he wants it for spot cleaning certain areas?
Haha! Its to clean all the rocks in this tank... I'll try and get a picture later but its really really annoying! I have a couple of small brushes like a bamboo one, a nylon one and a stainless steel one but the steel one is pretty past it. Might see if I can find a bigger surface area one. I just liked the idea of an electric one as scrubbing against the rocks moves things (safely) where as if I dont have to apply as much elbow grease it will keep the scape looking as planned.
Just as an update I got a Denerle Cleanator which is a natural sponge with a wire wool pad - had a really good reputation before I got it and looks like its pretty usable! Lights are off at the moment to try and deal with the diatoms a bit (or at least not make it worse) so given the rocks a bit of a scrub and feel like its doing it well will check tonight when the lights come on.

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