Algae! About ready to abandon my tank


New Member
Jul 6, 2023
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Utah, United States
75 gallon planted tank, discus, neons, Siamese algae eaters, plecos. If anything, over filtered. Maintains 78-80 degrees. Lots of light.
Purchased plants brought black beard algae. Been fighting it ever since. Other algae (green) sticks to EVERYTHING. Hypochlorite won't even bleach or remove it.
Had a tank-full of water sprite. Overgrows quickly. Trimmed weekly for several months. Discovered heavy growth of BBA in portions of the plants and places the plants had hidden. Pulled out all the water sprite and threw it away. Pulled decorations > bleach > still covered with green algae. Vacuumed gravel, refilled. Decorative silicone back panel COVERED in algae.
Will algicides hurt algae-eating fish? Been using copper (cupric ion) to control BBA, but the fish ignore it anyway.
I suspect somethings out of balance.
Any help appreciated.
Ugh, I've felt the same! I hope you get much help!
I had BBA infestation similarly. Not sure though what killed it eventually but it took a long while. I simply firstly tolerated it for too long. When I had enough I threw out the wood completely, which was covered with it. I also, just in case, stopped all fertilization and reduced lighting to 5h. I also threw out all affected plants or they died due to not enough light or etc. I also cleaned all the surfaces and kept rubbing if off the glasses whenever I saw it establish again. This regime was on for about a year or so. Maybe even longer. In the beginning I used Easy-Life Algexit as well as Easy-Life EasyCarbo, which is also meant to combat algae somewhat. But I gave up using those at some point quite fast. Also I sold away some fish and ended up with just 17 green neon tetras, which took very little feeding. And only very few plants survived: Amazon sword, Cryptocoryne and Marimo moss balls.
I hope in here there's somewhere a key for you how to fix it. This was my experience.
Need a picture of the algae so we can identify which type/s you have?
A picture showing the entire aquarium would also help so we can see how many plants and how bright it is.

What is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH of the water?
How often and how do you clean the filter?
What filter media/ materials are in the filter?

How often do you do water changes and how much do you change?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?
Do you dechlorinate the new water before adding it to the tank?

Do you add aquarium plant fertiliser?
If yes, what type and how often?

What sort of light is above the aquarium and how long is it on for each day?


Most algicides do harm the fish but if you only use the recommended dose rate, and only use it for a short time the fish should be fine.

Algicides do harm aquarium plants and you need to follow directions on the packet and don't use them for too long.

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