Alfie The Bunny....!


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
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land of the scots!
Just thought i should let you all see my 2 year old rabbit Alfie, getting old , but still cute :D

He was an indoor rabbit for 1 1/2 years but preffered being outside, feeling the wind through his fur and that. :D

he is trained to stand and comes when called! :) And his favourite treats are rabbit milk drops. XD

He is a English cross, from P@H, aint he lovely!






Even though he has a large 2 storey hutch, he gets a free run in the garden all day then locked in at night.
He's adorable.

I'd love to have a bunny but I'm afraid the cats would like it a bit too much.
^ lol, Milo gets along well with Alfie
After months of slow intro's.

My older cat I'm sure would do fine, he likes dogs and plays very gently, the younger one is always in kill mode so I don't think a bunny would last long.
Reminds me of a very long time ogo, I was awakened in the early hours of the morning by a high pitched screeching, which sent chills down your spine.. it came from afar and was approaching my bedroom at an alarming rate...I was like being in a coma straight into being wide alert and awake and with one jump, I covered the 7m from the bed to the light switch at the door.....By the time I flicked the switch, the noise was underneath my bed, where my wife was already down on all fours reaching under the bed.

My cat (somehow) got hold of the neighbours' Guinea Pig, & only those of you who have kept a Guinea Pig will know the screeching alarm that I'm talking about..... You remain jittery for the next 3 days.

Fortunately, my wife's intervening saved the Guinea Pig... (that time) but some 3 days later, I found Guinea Pig hairs & leftovers on my lawn, which I quickly top-dressed & it remains my... (and the cat's) secret to this day.
So, after the Baby Mice invaded Fee-Fers hutch, he now resides in the kitchen... Oh and hes loving it.

We can't help but feed him scraps :look: And he knows how to beg, with those big, puppy dog looking eyes.

Here is him, being his normal fussy self,hes trying to hide. :lol:
LOL such a cute :D

I have 9 rabbits atm, I rescue them from people who've abandoned them, poor babies.

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