Alestopetersius Brichardi… filaments

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Assuming these African tetras, are male if they start getting filaments on their dorsal???

One of my blues ( no blue color developed yet ), with red fins, has several well developed filaments on it’s dorsal… I’m only noticing them on one fish so far… assuming that’s a male???
It is. And those filaments can be fantastic.

I am very jealous of your Congo River tetras.
I haven’t “perfected” that tank yet… I do like the water hyacinths, better than the water lettuce… even though I had some baby lettuce hiding in the tank, yet to remove ( they are not as bad as common duck weed ) the water hyacinths roots aren’t trying to grow to the bottom of the tank, as aggressively as the lettuce did…

Back when I 1st set up tanks, I was putting squat jars under the aquatic plants, trying to contain the roots, and make it easier to move or remove plants… I’m not liking the jars in there, and have a system I like better, so I’ll be rescaping and I’m adding a new taller growing African plant, and since I can’t catch the king tiger plecos out because of the limited access to this tank, I’ve decided to embrace them… with a resin hollow log cave… so a little rearranging is in order… a few of these are the new plants coming…
Anubias Congensis
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