Albino's-what's Good For Diet Variety?

As in albino corys? All corys will enjoy eating frozen bloodworm, daphinia and krill that makes its way to the bottom of the tank having not been eaten by other fish, there are also many brands of catfish pelets you can buy designed for little fish like corys which are more protein based than algae wafers, although algae wafers are still very important in their diets.
Hi veen :)

If you have albino C. aeneus, the Hikari sinking wafers are excellent food for them, but it would be good to supplement them with other meaty foods to raise their protein intake.

Albino C. aeneus:


I prefer feeding live blackworms, if you can get them. Live tubifex worms are good too. Either or both are available at good lfs in the USA. If you cannot get them, frozen bloodworms are a reasonable substitute, but take care not to leave any uneaten frozen food in the tank. With the live ones, any that your fish don't eat right away will remain in the gravel to provide snacks for the corys.

A good brand of flake food for the corys, and for your other fish as well, is Ocean Nutrition Formula One. It has a minimum of 54.6% crude protein which is much higher than the more commonly sold brands. It's available in many independent lfs. :D
Hi veen :)

If you have albino C. aeneus, the Hikari sinking wafers are excellent food for them, but it would be good to supplement them with other meaty foods to raise their protein intake.

Albino C. aeneus:


I prefer feeding live blackworms, if you can get them. Live tubifex worms are good too. Either or both are available at good lfs in the USA. If you cannot get them, frozen bloodworms are a reasonable substitute, but take care not to leave any uneaten frozen food in the tank. With the live ones, any that your fish don't eat right away will remain in the gravel to provide snacks for the corys.

A good brand of flake food for the corys, and for your other fish as well, is Ocean Nutrition Formula One. It has a minimum of 54.6% crude protein which is much higher than the more commonly sold brands. It's available in many independent lfs. :D
thanks inchworm, yes i do have albino corys. i took your advice & bought some frozen bloodworms last night. i turkey basted them down to the bottom so they could get to them before the other fish and they loved them! how often should i be feeding these to them?
Hi veen :)

Feed them some every day in addition to other foods. Just don't let any go uneaten.

Corys are not like some fish that only eat one meal every day or so, they are more like grazers. They would eat constantly if you let them. So, you might want to feed them the worms in the morning, flake in the afternoon and wafers at night, or some variation on this. :D

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