Albino X Brown Bn


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Scotland
my 2 brown bn's have successfully and unexpectedly gave me about 50 babies, but in my other tank my albino (which i was led to believe was an albino gibby) is very plump, is it the time of year or something for plec breeding? anyway, would it be ok to put the albino in with my male although there are days old babies swimming about?
my 2 brown bn's have successfully and unexpectedly gave me about 50 babies, but in my other tank my albino (which i was led to believe was an albino gibby) is very plump, is it the time of year or something for plec breeding? anyway, would it be ok to put the albino in with my male although there are days old babies swimming about?
I would say leave them as they are for a couple days let daddy take care of the little ones then try with the other female...ANd fall is in the air and the catfish seem to enjoy it dont they :lol:
Its nice to fined a nother of scotish decent no?Im Part of the mowatt clan very similar to your name..hahaha

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