Albino Swordtail!


Fish Crazy
Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Land Of The Rising Sun
Hi all,

I just bought an albino swordtail from my lfs!! :kana: I have never seen any before....this is my first! :flex: Enjoy and Comment!
I hope to get better pictures of this guy, he is just too fast to photo... :flex:

Ps. This is still a young swordtail so it hasn't grow it's sword yet...


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I was about to ask where his tail was, are you sure it isnt a platy? I have been sold sword tails in the past "claiming" the tail would come in and it never would.(Thus I have never owned any swords) Regardless, i would have bought him also, dont see many albino live bearers. I did see about 5 albino mollies the other day, pretty freaky. :D Has anyone ever done an all albino community tank?
Relax y'all, this guy is DEFINITELY a swordtail, why?, because there were others in the same tank, just like him with swords....he is just young - in fact, he is smaller than a female guppy....i say maybe 4 months old....
And heather, can't give u the babies because i can't mate him, i don't know why but this guy just ain't homy!! :crazy: I don't know about swordtails as i have never bred them, but he just ain't mating! Anyone got any idea how to make 'em mate?

I don't think there's any need to "make" them breed. They'll do it all by themselves!!

Your sword looks like a molly to me too, but they are all quite similar looking. I am sure he will be gorgeous.

:) Congrats :)
Hi CS,

If there is no need to "make" them breed, then why isn't this guy breeding?????
I know alot of people say that they will breed by themselves but this guy isn't mating....

Chewy- said:
Hi CS,

If there is no need to "make" them breed, then why isn't this guy breeding?????
I know alot of people say that they will breed by themselves but this guy isn't mating....

I thought you only got him yesterday or something, I mean c'mon!! Also, do you have another sword for him to breed with?

You need to let the fish settle in. Soon you'll have more fry than you know what to do with!!
hahaaha, yea, i just got him on're right, give him a break! lol :rolleyes:
And yea, I have provided him with a girlfriend... :lol: :lol:
I guess i'll give him a week or two relax....but if after that he still doesn't breed, i'll come looking for ya, CS!! :lol: :sly: :rofl: Just Kidding!!
Thanks all for the replies!

It can take time for them to mate. If you just got them, they're more interested in adapting than mating. Water changes and a slightly higher pH (7.2-7.5) might also get them in the mood. Maybe a little FW salt if you aren't already using it.

Nice looking fish!
Thats definately a sword don't worry about that. And remember, female swords don't have the swords as a tail.
Fishkeeper2004 said:
Thats definately a sword don't worry about that. And remember, female swords don't have the swords as a tail.
Try this to get him to make sweet love to momma platy.
Open up the finest bottle liqufry you can find ( I hear '03 was a good year) :p
Play some Barry (White) Fish music. :D
dim the lights and
send the kids to bed :blink:
He's definitely a male, you can see his gonopodium. However his girlfriend isn't a albino, they will still mate right?? Albinos and non-albinos??? I think they should, after all they are "swordtails"!

if that one in the front of the pic is definately a male...

then those are definately not swordtails

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