Albino Sterbai, Narcissus And Other Cory Pics :)


Moved On
Dec 29, 2005
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Bradford, West Yorkshire
Well, here you are. Unfortunatley, i lost one of the narcisuss to a bacterial infection. I tried my best to save him, but it was too late. One of the others also has it, but the tank is being treated with melafix and all the others are fine. Hes also eating fine, so im not too worried about him.














And for your delight, here are some of the fry i currently have. The larger ones are my adolfoi fry and the smaller are a few of the 100's that are in there from the bronze corys i have.





And Here are some of the bronze parents and a random albino female that i picked up for free yesterday from Pet City. I happened to be in there when a guy walked in with a bucket of fish he didnt want anymore LOL





My 8 breeding Adolfoi






My Livebearer fry tank

Random fish in here including

Neon Blue Guppys
Tuxedo Swordtails
Red Wag Mickey Mouse Platys
Blood Red Platys
and some of the guppys that i bought a bag off at the auction i went to

There are also 7 c.Harbrosus in there which i got at the weekend along with 2 Sterbai fry and a plethora of apple snails. Golden, Purple, Ivory and Caramel




:good: Great pics Sp00ky

Those baby cories are too cut. Love em to bits :wub: .

Also love those albino Sterbai. Gorgeous. Some great looking cories you have there.

Sorry to hear about your loss, hope the other guy pulls through.

How many sponge filters have you got in that fry tank??

Nice, Spooky! or Nice Spooky! haha

Good looking tanks. The fish look really at home and comfy.
:good: Great pics Sp00ky

Those baby cories are too cut. Love em to bits :wub: .

Also love those albino Sterbai. Gorgeous. Some great looking cories you have there.

Sorry to hear about your loss, hope the other guy pulls through.

How many sponge filters have you got in that fry tank??


there are 3 sponge filters in all the fry tanks. whenever i see one cheap on ebay or in a shop i buy it. It costs very little to just stick one in a tank and could come in handy should i need to set a tank up in an emergency :)
Nice Cories and I love the Albino Sterbai [ can to take the close up picture and they are adult size] Narcissus also looking good.

One day I will try to get the Narcissus.

Great collection :good:

Hope your cory recover from Bacterial issue. Some of my Cory aslo got fungus and bacterial problem in this winter.

Best of luck.
WOWZERS what a great tank, i love it, soooo cute.... could you pm me the details of thesponge filters as i could do with one for my fry tank, lots of apple snails aswell, really cool
Nice Cories and I love the Albino Sterbai [ can to take the close up picture and they are adult size] Narcissus also looking good.

One day I will try to get the Narcissus.

Great collection :good:

Hope your cory recover from Bacterial issue. Some of my Cory aslo got fungus and bacterial problem in this winter.

Best of luck.

I have another 2 narcs coming and i know that the 3 i have left there is 1f and 2m so im still on course for my breeding program. Just researching more on how to breed them. They have apparently been bred in the UK by someone on Ian's forum and they have given me alot of info on how they did it, however, it would appear that he had given up on trying to force them, then a week later they just spawned LOL

I will try get some better pics of the albino sterbai over the weekend for you :)

WOWZERS what a great tank, i love it, soooo cute.... could you pm me the details of thesponge filters as i could do with one for my fry tank, lots of apple snails aswell, really cool

thanks rich. Thats not all my corys though. i have a 4ft cory tank as well, but couldnt get any decent lighting in the room to get good enough pics.

The sponge filters in these tanks are the Algarde Bio-Foam 45. There is another size up from that as well, which is the Bio-Foam 200. I think in the shops normal RRP is £3.99 for the 45 and £9.99 for the 200.

I prefer these filters to box filters cause the fry can graze on any micro wotsits that build up on them :)
Ok, Im really tempted now to set up a tank like that. Have been debating it for a while and because you pics i might just do it.
Brilliant pics, healthy fish and i love the marimo balls.
Sucks to here about the infection.
thanks i will have a look and try and set my tank up with just the sponge filter instead of the built in one it has,.... sorry to hijack the thread but do you need an air stone or not.
Ok, Im really tempted now to set up a tank like that. Have been debating it for a while and because you pics i might just do it.
Brilliant pics, healthy fish and i love the marimo balls.
Sucks to here about the infection.

If you need more convincing mate, take alook at PC's post with her 180l planted cory tank ! that should tip you right over the edge LOL !!

The moss balls rock and are selling really well at the moment. got another delivery coming on Tuesday to stock up.

Yeah, the infection did suck, but hey, its part of the highs and lows of fishkeeping. I can look at it as £20.00 lost, or i can learn from it. However, in this case, i didnt even notice it until it was too late. The other narc that has it i caught early so the treatment seems to be working :)

thanks i will have a look and try and set my tank up with just the sponge filter instead of the built in one it has,.... sorry to hijack the thread but do you need an air stone or not.

no problems mate. i dont put an airstone in myself as the outlet on the spongefilter expels air and provides water movement.

In my cory fry tanks, i have them attached to the back of the tank blowing forwards and i place all the eggs on the front of the tank so they get maximum water movement.
Hey Sp00ky,
Nice pictures of Corys. :hyper:
I have question for you. I need to know what kind of sand you have in the tank. You know the "white looking one". I have the empty tank I need to decorate. I have been thinking about using play sand but I prefer something either black or white and play sand is gray. I know it is more natural looking with gray sand but I think the fish would stand out better with either end of color.

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