Hey guys never owned an Albino Senegal Bichir b4, Im just wondering which of these fish will be safe w/ a Bichir. I have a 200Liter right now, thinking of upgrading to a 300Liter at the end of the year or next year. Always wanted a Bichir just afraid for the safety of my current fish.
Blue/Gold/Pearl Gourami
Tiger Barbs
Yellow/Boesemani Rainbowfish
BN Pleco
I think my Synos will be fine, they're pretty big and aggressive which ones in the list above should be safe with a Bichir and which are not?
I have a 140Liter Tank to transfer them just in case. And are Senegals the smallest Bichirs u can get? Thnx in advance.
Blue/Gold/Pearl Gourami
Tiger Barbs
Yellow/Boesemani Rainbowfish
BN Pleco
I think my Synos will be fine, they're pretty big and aggressive which ones in the list above should be safe with a Bichir and which are not?
I have a 140Liter Tank to transfer them just in case. And are Senegals the smallest Bichirs u can get? Thnx in advance.