Albino Senegal Compatibility


Oct 8, 2009
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Hey guys never owned an Albino Senegal Bichir b4, Im just wondering which of these fish will be safe w/ a Bichir. I have a 200Liter right now, thinking of upgrading to a 300Liter at the end of the year or next year. Always wanted a Bichir just afraid for the safety of my current fish.

Blue/Gold/Pearl Gourami
Tiger Barbs
Yellow/Boesemani Rainbowfish
BN Pleco

I think my Synos will be fine, they're pretty big and aggressive which ones in the list above should be safe with a Bichir and which are not?
I have a 140Liter Tank to transfer them just in case. And are Senegals the smallest Bichirs u can get? Thnx in advance.
Senagal, palmas sp and Delhezi all get around the same size, but senegal is normally the smallest. How big's the bichir and the other fish? Mines about 6inch atm and can take down a fully grown platy. Obviously the senegals got some growing to do, hopefully should hit around 8-10inch before really slowing down, obviously the bigger it is the bigger the fish it can eat.

Also depends on the bichir bichir's personality but the odd one who is agressive will try deathrolling prey thats a bit to big for it eat.

Of the below i'd be worried about the tiger barbs, rainbows when small, swordtails when the bichir get's bigger.

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