Albino Senegal Bichir


Fish Addict
May 20, 2007
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I saw a small albino senegal bichir at the lfs today and it's only $5.99 :hyper: and I was wondering would it eat any of the following fish?

55 gallon tank
2 angelfish
4 congo tetras
5 rosy barbs
2 albino corys
2 panda corys
2 bronze corys
1 whiptail catfish
1 clown pleco
The cories looks prime targets to me. He would definately stumble across them at some point during a night an see them as a snack once it's bigger.
like kniesh said, once it gets bigger it could eat something it might stumble across, unless you have another tnak you could move into once its bigger.

PS. Senegals only need a minimum of 30 gallons, so keep that in mind if your gonna buy a seperate tank for him/her
Thank you. I didn't actually purchase it because I wanted to get some more info. I only have another 10 gallon, so that's too small. I guess I can't have one. :sad:
Senegals hit abuot 12"-16" so at full size your Cory's and Rosy Barbs would be prime food imo
I agree with Dark, the rosy barbs and cory cats would be prime targets, mabye even eventually your congo tetras (if they were small enough to fit in the Senegals mouth)
The average size of a Senegal really depends on the size of the tank, most hit around the 10-12" mark, however in a larger enviroment, with more space, more food and better water quality, these guys can top out at about 16".

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