Fish Crazy
Yesterday night I bought 3 cory cats, albino ones. This means they've been home for almost 24 hours. The water temp has been up and down a lot because of a broken thermometer. I think ive settled that down though.
Two of the cories are fine, but they have red gills. one has more redness than the other 2 and redness down his side, where the spine bone is. Is this just because he's really stressed? He's quite active and his swimming is fine. He is acting normal, frisking around the bottom of the tank eating, going up and down the tank's glass.
Two of the cories are fine, but they have red gills. one has more redness than the other 2 and redness down his side, where the spine bone is. Is this just because he's really stressed? He's quite active and his swimming is fine. He is acting normal, frisking around the bottom of the tank eating, going up and down the tank's glass.