Albino Rainbow Shark


Fish Fanatic
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
Charleston, SC USA
I have gotten rid of my two large (14") tin foil barbs to a very nice private pond. I have made my 75gl into a schooling community tank by combining fish from my other tanks. In the 55gl community tank this lone shark was very shy and I never saw him unless the lights were off. Now I have moved him to the bigger tank with a lot of tank mates, some he has been with from day one. He is now chasing everyone and acting very aggressive. It has only been a couple of days and I feel that everyone is finding their places. Do you think I need to move him to a more aggressive tank? I have had him for about 4 years and he is 4.5" long.
What are the other fish he is in with and chasing? RTBS/Albino/Rainbow whatever you want to call them they can become aggressive to fish that wuill allow themselves to be bullied. If the tank is 75gallons I would imagine you wont really have a problem with many other fish. If as you say they are all schooling fish I imagine he will chase them every now and again but you shouldnt get any fatalities I wouldnt imagine.
He seems to be chasing only the fish that are larger than him. I have two clown loaches (4") and a CAE (5"). I have also had these fish for a long time, and this trio has never been in the same tank. All the other schoolers are mostly tetras and he has no problem with them. I think it's a territory issue??? Should I give them a week or so to get used to each other, or move him to a more aggressive tank?
He seems to be chasing only the fish that are larger than him. I have two clown loaches (4") and a CAE (5"). I have also had these fish for a long time, and this trio has never been in the same tank. All the other schoolers are mostly tetras and he has no problem with them. I think it's a territory issue??? Should I give them a week or so to get used to each other, or move him to a more aggressive tank?

Move him to a more agressive tank, my rtbs is in a tank with red devils and jack dempseys and he does just fine.
I would keep him where he is. My shark was the same when he moved tank chasing other fish larger than him but after 2 weeks of chasing he completely changed and now he hides under some rock or driftwood. So hold on for a few more days and he will do just fine.

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