albino plecs


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK

does anyone have any info on them??

the only name i no for them is albino plecs if anyone has any info or sites that would help that would be great

tha allh
Albino pleco is very general as it could mean the albino variety of any plecostomus species. If you are reffering to commons, the albino version is often called a 'chocolate pleco'. These grow to 18". If not, you may be reffering to bristlenoses and many others. I suggest you do a search for 'albino plecostomus' and see what that turns up. If you know what the fish looks like, try looking through some images on google and then do a search with whatever name you find reffers to your fish. :) Sorry I can't help more but albino pleco is just an albino morph of some kind of plecostomus catfish. I can't realy be much more specific... if you are looking for general info on plecs, do a search on 'plecostomus' or look through the fish index.
The one I suspect you have seen, which most fish shops stock and is the most common albino plec is the "Albino Bristlenose Plec" These are suitable for any tank from 20Gallons upwards, grow to around 5" max and have a nice temperement if on their own (can get terratorial in groups).


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