albino molly


Fish Fanatic
Sep 16, 2003
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i have this molly who i think is albino
its skin is a yellowish gold and its eyes
are pink.does she need any special requirments
btw shes heavily pregnant
I've never heard that Albinos of any kind need special treatment. I have 4 Albino Bristlenose Plecs and don't treat them any different then the regulars??? Cory are the same different then regulars. :thumbs:
I have to differ with the previous answer.Certain albinos of certain species require special care.I happen to have guppies,albinos and regulars.Even if I keep them in the same tank,I can tell when theres something wrong.Albinos tend to get sick faster than regular guppies.
When I told a few of my on-line friends that keep guppies my intentions to breed'm they all say no to me.They were too difficult,the fact that many are sterile,etc.
Now,going back to mollies,I don't know if you have to have special care with them.I had a few a while ago and they did just fine without special care.
My silver mollie gave birt to two albinos + normal silver mollies but i have had them for 4 months and there fine they do everytinhg the same of the other so no they dont need special care, Even if u dont beleive me people get those alibinos corys i have one and theyere happy as larry!

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