albino Mickey Mouse Platy?


New Member
Jul 3, 2004
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Savannah, GA, USA
I just got a Mickey Mouse Platy a couple of days ago. It's so white that it almost looks transparent, the "chin" area and near the gills is pinkish, and of course the black "mickey mouse" marking on the tail.

Is it an albino? Or is it just white Mickey Mouse?

Just curious ... it wouldn't really matter to me either way, I love her just the way she is. :D
Its Just White,Albino platies dont exist,,Albinos are pinky orange in colour
acidman56 said:
Albino platies dont exist,
What I'm trying to figure out is how you can say albino platies don't exist? Platies can be lots of colors, right? Albino by definition (breaking out my trusty worn-out dictionary here) is : 1. a person whose skin, hair and eyes lack normal coloration because of genetic factors; albinos have a white skin, whitish hair, and pink eyes. 2. any animal or plant abnormally lacking in color.

If even plants can be albino, why not platies? And it's not that she's white, she's practically clear. I have two mollies that are white, and they aren't transparent like the platy is.

The pink tone around her mouth and gills is why I was wondering if she was albino. Her eyes look more blue than silver, too.


Anyway, like I said in my first post, if she's not albino that's cool too, but I disagree with the statement that albino platies don't exist.
hey i might be wrong but I dont think albinos can have any black on them so i would guess that you have a white platy .... do youu have any pics ????

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