Albino Frog


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2006
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im thinkin about puttin an albino frog in with my newt, is that ok? or will they attack each other viciously lol :D

thanks in advance
It will most likely try to eat the newt if it will fit in its mouth. I would much rather add a different auqatic lizard.l
Frogs have vertabrae <_<

Yes, but he was referring to the 'Invertebrates, Amphibians & Aquatic Reptiles Forum'. It's just terrible how many posts i miss because they are posted in tropical chit chat :( . People seem to just use tropical chit chat as an excuse to be lazy and not bother looking for the correct forum :rolleyes: j/k.
Which kind of frog are you talking about?

albino clawed frog?
albino aquatic frog?

albino clawed frogs will try to eat fish and aren't good for community tanks..

I don't know if albino aquatic frogs even exist.. but the regular aquatic frogs are usually ok in community tanks.
please....the type of "forum" is not important right now...

anyway, here is the frog from "a friend's tank"


i know its a crappy pic but....he took it!!

(ps: my newt is way to big to fit in that frogs mouth)
isnn't the only albino frog a clawed frog which I thinnk will eat a lot of stuff, fish e.t.c., also I believe they grow quite big (not too big but big enough to eat your newt I think)
I've seen albino frogs big enough to eat your if it were me I wouldn't chance it. He may never grow big enough to eat the newt, but keep in mind they are still aggressive....going for anything that gets in front of them. I'm sure your newt won't appreciate the frog, at best.
I once saw a bunch of the albino ones, and they were both about 6 inches big, they were huge.

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