Fish Crazy
I have a pair of albino corys that are approx. breeding age and should be 1 male & 1 female. I have read a lot of the info on how to induce them to spawn so will try that but was wondering if moving them to a smaller tank (18" X 10" x 10") with some platty fry (6 - 12mm) would be ok or would they be better off left in the 36" tank with the other 5 smaller corys? Would the platty fry eat the eggs?
I have a pair of albino corys that are approx. breeding age and should be 1 male & 1 female. I have read a lot of the info on how to induce them to spawn so will try that but was wondering if moving them to a smaller tank (18" X 10" x 10") with some platty fry (6 - 12mm) would be ok or would they be better off left in the 36" tank with the other 5 smaller corys? Would the platty fry eat the eggs?