Albino Corys?


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Warrington UK
Right guy/gals,

ive read the links on this forum about tank mates and cant find much on corys as tank mates.

ive got a 5.7gal tank, that will have a betta in next week(weather permitting)STUPID SNOW!!!

can i put 3 albinos in there? i know people have different experience's but im just looking for a general idea.

i have a community tank also, so i can transfer the cory's if it is required.(when they get too big)

im also open to ideas


nope you can't
albino corys will get too big for the tank

I suggest panda corysC.panda, or any of the "pygmy" cories
C.pygmeaus, C.hastatus & C.habrosus
Right, thanks wolfie. i did mention i could transfer them when they get bigger..but i suppose its only fair to let them get used to one home! not fair to move them about.

is this your hex tank? i think corys might be too active for a hex, they prefer tank length to tank height.
yeah it would be the hex, how bout pygmaeus? they dont grow very big at all right?

Its a touchy subject with tankmates for bettas isnt it? some people feel really strongly that they shouldnt have any...i dont want to stress my guy out, just want a little life at the bottom of the tank.
Hi danny101 :)

I would not recommend keeping corys and a betta, in a tank as small as yours, but otherwise they do well together.

Part of the problem is that corys need fresh, well oxygenated water and if you run your filter enough to have it, it might interfere with the comfort of the betta. In a larger tank this is less of a problem since there will be still areas at the top where you can float plants to break up the current if necessary.

It's tough to find good tank mates for a Betta in a Hex5. Try an African Dwarf Frog. They are active, and it would probably be good with most Betta in that size tank.
Ok thanks everyone, i want whats best so cory's = no go!! as inchworm is the authority on corys!

Any ideas on what bottom dwelling, maybe mid level tank mate i could introduce, was set on corys but ce la vie!

an otto maybe? the tank is planted quite well, heated to 26/27degc and filtered,

any ideas on a suiteble tank mate for my plackat??
Hi l.michelle :)

I just posted on your thread. I hope the information I gave you will help. :D

Hi danny101 :)

If your tank is established and has growing plants, a few otos would be an excellent choice for it. Please be sure to do a bit of research about them here before you get them, since buying healthy ones is the most important thing to know about them. If they have not been well treated during their transportation, they will never recover.

Another possibility for your tank is one or two African Dwarf Frogs. They are very amusing little creatures, But your tank would need to be well covered to keep them from jumping out. :D
Tanks should be well covered for Betta, too. They can jump long disdances, I am told. They have been reported to jump from tank to tank, to the floor, across dividers. They are ingenious little devils. It is reported they will someday rule the world! :lol:
haha, that would be a sight! i think a betta would do a 'betta' job than tony Blair or Mr bush any day!
I'd vote for one! :D

And he has a lid on his tank, although he isn't actually in there yet! stupid weather :p

Is a Betta being shipped to you, danny101? and the weather is holding the ship date up?
yeah! he's gorgeous. k.g.bettas...he does some really good work! im confident he'll get here ok....when he gets :lol: :lol:

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