Albino Corydorus


New Member
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Shepshed, LEICS
Hi guys,

I am so so worried about my Albino Cory - he has an eye missing?!?!?! He isn't dead though. I don't know what to do?

I've had him the longest and only set up in Feb/Mar this year.
Tank size: 50 lts ( Its a Jewel Record 60 )
pH: 8
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: n/a
kH: n/a
gH: n/a
tank temp: 25

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 50 ltrs and every 2 weeks we change btwn a 1/4 and 1/3

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Only Antibiotic treatment, but a while ago now.(the albino has fin rot months ago and then had mouth ulcers a few weeks ago) But all ok now.

Tank inhabitants: 2 Cory's / 1 Male Beta / 3 Female beta's / 2 Clown Loach / 1 Shark / 1 Pleco / 2 Molly's / 1 Sucking Loach / 5 neon tetra's

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 1 Algae Sucking loach and 5 neon tetra, we got the loach about 3 weeks ago and the neon's about 5 weeks ago. Oh and some floating mini lilly pads

Exposure to chemicals: Not that I can think of ( i dont use bleach in house/or plug in air freshners/ the tank is in the kitchen however???)

Digital photo (include if possible): N/A literallyhas one eye missing and I have just noticed a teeny red spot on his top fin. Its just an empty eye socket. Its horrible.

His behaviour: He is a little slower, but still eating from the bottom gravel. Swimming normal, all the right way and everything.

I feel so sorry for him, I have no idea why this has happened and would he be in pain?!
It happens some times, fish get in fights and loose things. Just keep an eye (excuse the pun) on him and make sure he doesnt get an infection and he is eating properly. Make sure water is good, this will lesson the infection chance.

On a side note that tank is a tad small for all the inhabitants.

2 Cory's / 1 Male Beta / 3 Female beta's / 2 Clown Loach / 1 Shark / 1 Pleco / 2 Molly's / 1 Sucking Loach / 5 neon tetra's

Clown Loach grow to 10" +
Sucking Loach (assuming Algea Eater) 8" +
Shark (RTBs) 4-6" / Silver Shark 10"+
Pleco (guessing common as its the one most people see first) 19" +
and you should never have male and female Betta in the same tank. Might be worth while looking at a larger tank for the fish or going for fish that actually are suitable for the tank size :)
I would keep an eye on the sucking loach and the shark, to see how they behave towards him, I'd say they're prime suspects.
I really really appreciate your advice and reassurance.

With regards to the fish and tank - we weren't aware that the sucking loach can get that large. The Beta's have been together for 8 months now and have no problem at all. I thought the same as you, at one place we were recommended to put them together and then others said otherwise. But surely something would have happened in 8 months??? I'm not being funny when I say that.

The loach have grown - of which we do need to do something about. We are so desperate to get a bigger tank, much bigger but cannot afford one so we know we need to rehome some. Its just which ones and so on.
Me personally id rehome the following fish

3 Female beta's - at some point the male and females will fight.
2 Clown Loach
1 Shark
1 Pleco
1 Sucking Loach
Me personally id rehome the following fish

3 Female beta's - at some point the male and females will fight.
2 Clown Loach
1 Shark
1 Pleco
1 Sucking Loach

I have just put both the Clown Loach on ebay and the 3 female's. ( TRS201 is my ebay to prove this-hee hee) The shark is very small still and the pleco is at his full size he's an ansisterous catfish (excuse the spelling). The sucking loach is very small still but hard a work. So might keep them until they start to grow. So have took some of your good advice.
Clown loaches need large tanks of 90 gal when big, need to be kept in groups as there a shoaling fish.
Red tailed black shark need a 40 gal tank.
Yes its been known for those sucking loaches to suck scales etc off the side of other fish so beware- Bloody things i got rid of mine :grr:

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