Albino Cory


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Gt Yarmouth, Uk
Hi all after constant weekly spawning from my albino corys i decided to save some eggs. I moved about 20 eggs into my 35 ltr tank , this was empty and the media from it had been in my main filter for about a month. Anyway after 3 days they all hatched very very tiny fry i could only see them because i have black sand in tank, everything has been going ok, i have been changing 50% of the water daily, now doing this every 2 days.They will be 4 weeks old on monday, and ive only lost 2 of the fry 1 got stuck in filter and 1 unexplained death.Well thats the history of them my real question is about the size of the fry, in 4 weeks the size difference between them is amazing 3 of them look like mini corys now chunky all the markings and nice looking barbels and at least 2cm maybe more hard to tell, the rest are a lot smaller with 3 or 4 of them still really tiny and looking like tadpoles, is this the norm as when they are adult there is only a slight difference in size between them. Thanks for any input Mick.
It's not normal, no; they should really all be roughly the same size. I'm afraid 35l is just too small to raise fry properly; I would never use less than 20 gallons, once they've become free swimming.

if you can get them into a bigger tank, they may grow on some more, it's hard to tell.
Hi thx for reply, i have a 70ltr i was planning to set up to move them into, was just wondering about the size difference.
The size difference seems perfectly fine to me,i've had batches where some grow quicker than other,basically some fry are greedier than others and get the food me thinks :rolleyes: :lol:

My fry tank is now 7 gals and the next grow out tank is 16 gals before they get sold on :)

Most of the smaller ones soon caught up with the older siblings
Hi Mickfender :)

You can always expect to get some variation in the size and speed of development of the fry. I've seen a batch where just one grew much faster than all the rest. Over time they will catch up although you might find that some are just runts.

Frequent water changes (to remove the growth hormones they produce) is more important than keeping them in a big tank. Eventually you will want to move them up and that's a good thing too.

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