Fish Fanatic
Hi all after constant weekly spawning from my albino corys i decided to save some eggs. I moved about 20 eggs into my 35 ltr tank , this was empty and the media from it had been in my main filter for about a month. Anyway after 3 days they all hatched very very tiny fry i could only see them because i have black sand in tank, everything has been going ok, i have been changing 50% of the water daily, now doing this every 2 days.They will be 4 weeks old on monday, and ive only lost 2 of the fry 1 got stuck in filter and 1 unexplained death.Well thats the history of them my real question is about the size of the fry, in 4 weeks the size difference between them is amazing 3 of them look like mini corys now chunky all the markings and nice looking barbels and at least 2cm maybe more hard to tell, the rest are a lot smaller with 3 or 4 of them still really tiny and looking like tadpoles, is this the norm as when they are adult there is only a slight difference in size between them. Thanks for any input Mick.