Albino Cory


New Member
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
Millom, Cumbria, England
One of my albino Cory's is behaving oddly, i have noticed him lodged in weird positions around the tank and even thought he had died as he was on his back on the bottom but then swam off as if nothing was wrong. He does go up to the surface as normal but then drops back fin first like a stone. He swims around with no problem but loses his orientation when stopped. All the other Cory's are fine along with the tetras guppies and harlequin.
Any help and advice would be appreciated as I don't want to lose the la'll fella.
swim bladder problem maybe?? can we get some water stats aswell?
hm, sorry but i cannot help you :( give wilder a pm
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Once fish lay on there backs they rarely make it.
Sound like a severe bacteria infection to me.
Issolate the fish and use a bacterial med, if you want to try and save the fish.

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