Albino Cory Unwell


New Member
Jun 27, 2006
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Tas, Australia
The barbles seemed to have vanished overnight but my other cories still have theirs?
Last week she had a small chunk out of her dorsal fin that had a white blister for a day and now has slowly started to heal. I had pimafix & melafix in the tank cause the guppies have finrot that doesn't seem to want to go away and now the poor cory has lost her barbles and is swimming blind.
I've removed her to a QT tank and put in Aquari-cycline antibiotic, containing Tetracycline, on advice from my lfs. Now I've noticed a small red streak in the dorsal fin that's still slowly healing.

My question is am I using the right meds? She hasn't been able to eat for 5 days now. The antibiotic has been in the tank for 3days. Is there anything else I can do for her.

p.s. I live in Australia
Any pictures would be helpful. Be sure to continue to keep the water clean. Test it or get it tested. Using antibiotics can distroy the nitrifying bacyeria.

The red streak could be septicema. That is caused by bacterial infection in the blood stream. It is most likely that the antibiotic is correct and has halted the spread of the fin rot.

I would check in the emergency forum if Inchworm dosen't show up to make sure a secondary antibiotic isn't needed.

My plan at this point would be to complete the present treatment. If I didn't get other directives, I would then revert to the MelaFix/PimaFix.

If the red streaks don't recede, I would consider a second antibiotic for a secondary infection.

If the eating problem continues, I would look into feeding live food, such as blackworms, as they will stay alive in the tank for the Cory to find.

I can't suggest a secondary antibiotic treatment. I would ask what the lps has available and recommends and in the emergency forum, if no one can answer here.
May be something more serious.

Our albino Bunny lost her barbels but can still find food and they have started growing back quite quickly.

Use stress coat to help her keep infection free, but I agree with Jollysue, go to emergency forum.
I don't have a bottle of Stress Coat with me at work, but as far as I can remember it does not kill bacteria or cure bacterial infections. It conditions the water, adds some electrolites, perhaps, and provides a slime coat. It does not even nullify ammonia or nitrates, I don't think. If Stress Coat killed bacteria it would be contraindicated as a regularly used water conditioner, since it would kill the nitrifying bacteria too.

Fin Rot and secondary bacterial infections with possible septecema are very serious. The problem arises because bacteria can have different strains that can be resistent to different antibiotics. It is important to finish the present treatment so no bacteria are left as a resistent strain, and if a secondary infection has taken hold a new treatment may be required. I am not strong on the antibacterial treatments available and which are most effective. That is why I am directing you to the emergency forum and to work with the drugs available at your lps.
Ok thanks for the help. I get so panicked when fish are sick and don't know whether I'm doing things right or wrong. It's nice to be able to ask other people who know what you're going through so you don't feel so alone.

She finally ate last night. Took her a while to find it but I saw her actually eating and then when I got up this morning there was no food at all left in the tank so that's a good sign. :good:
She's swimming around alot more today also but I will continue with the treatment. I think it's recommended as a 7-10 day course. Doesn't actually say on the bottle.

I'm 99.9% sure it was caused by high Nitrates as I had a huge off the chart spike last week. Up to about 100 and it's usually 10. Luckily all my fish are still alive and I got the nitrates back down.

I have Myxazin by Waterlife on order to put in the big tank when it arrives to try and heal the guppy tails. It says it doesn't kill the good bacteria so I hope it doesn't.

Thanks everyone
Is that a Mardel product? Mardel products in general do not kill bacteria. On the other hand I have not always been able to win the battle with Mardel products.

I used Mardel's Maroxy for fungus for my infected 2 Brochis, 1 sterbai and harlequins. It did stop the fungus, but I lost 1 Brochis and most of the Harlequins. I can't blame Mardel or Pima/MelaFix. It got pretty advance and I may have made several errors in treatment. But I am happy that I have won the war, if not some battles, that more experience fish keepers may have done better with.

I have tried to stop being embarrased about my failures and try to help others with what I have learned and even don't know. It is hard to face it alone, and it is good to know you can only do your best, and also that we all have made some awful errors that cost us and the fish.

Glad your fish is on the mend.

An early mentor has repeated often that the best cure is clean water. I am learning the truth in that daily.
Is that a Mardel product? Mardel products in general do not kill bacteria. On the other hand I have not always been able to win the battle with Mardel products.

I'm not sure. It doesn't say anywhere on the bottle. I think it's made in the UK.

Cory's barbels look as though they're starting to grow and the red dot on the fin disappeared after second treatment.
Does anybody know how long it takes them to grow back their barbels?
She looks very lonely in QT by herself and her mate in the big tank seems very lonely without her. He practically attacked the net when I was catching her. So cute.
:blush: You said it was Waterlife and I didn't check that you are in Australia. Mardel isn't in the UK, I don't think.

I am so glad she is well. I don't know about the barbells. But it is enough that she is recovering. Coreys in general are incredibly hardy (not all species though.)

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