Albino Cory Problem


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2008
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Hi All,
going back about a week ago I put in two albino corys,both settled on the bottom and neither moved around for about 24hrs.

One cory now rummages around happily with the other fish,yet one still sits on the bottom,very rarely does it move,I have not seen it feed,it does not even move if the other fish find food next to it and tend to swarm all over it to get to the food.yet it is alive as i can see its gills moving and the ocasional movement.

Any ideas thank you.

The problem COULD be stress.


1) What are the water specs?

2) Is the tank heavily planted?

3) Size of tank?

4) # of fish in tank?

5) Types of fish (aggressive/docile, bettas, cyclids, sharks...)?

6) Are there hiding spots for the Cories?

He could also be sick but let's look at the obvious things first.
ya i had one of these guys with same problem, he refused to eat and just sat there. Died in the end.

i got a few plants in there nothing too thick. plenty of hiding spots and plenty of air in the water. all my other fish including 3 other types of corys are all fine.

maybe the albino ones are just a really weak species

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