Albino Cory Catfish

Spencer Pike

Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2006
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I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 gold barbs, 2 cherry barbs, 1 blackskirt tetra, 1 glass catfish, 1 pleco, 3 neon tetras, 3 glowlight rasboras, a clown loach, and 1 dead albino cory catfish. :rip: I have had many albino cory catfish and they all have died. My ph and nitrate levels are all fine but I just don't know. The thing is I got him 3 days ago! All the deaths of my cory catfish have been in between a week and the day I got it. Can anyone help me with this. Has anyone had this happen to them? Please tell me. :-( :-( :-( :rip:
You should have 3 albino corys minimum. What kind of gravel do you have? Do the other fish bully him?
Im not sure what kind of gravel I have but its no fine gravel. I dont see the other fish bully him around.
Did all the cories die in the same tank? How clean is the bottom of the tank? What did the cories barbells look like when it died? Cories are prone to bacterial infections and if the bottom isnt clean, they can get them very easily. Most of the fish you listed should be kept in schools, just like the cories. If a cory is by itself and worried all the time, that can also cause it to get an infection. Cories like the company of their own species.

EDIT: You also might want to ask a mod to move this topic to the catfish section. Good Luck.

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