Albino Channel Catfish


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Can they be mixed with oscars, I have a 125 gallon tank, The oscars are each about 5 inches there are two, If i get one large enough will i need to worry about them bothering this fish. I figure they seem to be bottom dwellers something to pic up the oscars spit food might not be a bad idea for the tank.
channel cats really aren't good aquarium fish as their adult sizes require pond-sized dimensions. perhaps some pictus? or raphaels, if you want a bottom dweller. a brochis (extra large cory-looking thing) might also work.
Eventually, a channel cat will eat your oscars. I have a black flathead in my 55 gallon tank. It's only about 3" long for now. I cought it myself. It was so small I thought it was a bullfrog tadpole until I got it in a clear container! :alien: I went to the Dept. of Conservation to find out if I could keep it. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they make excellend aquarium specimens if you catch them while they are little. You might want to see if you could get one of those instead. Also, the pictus catfish is a good option. When I had oscars, I had a pictus with them and it worked exceptionally well. My pictus was about 7" long and the oscars were hand sized (about 8" or so). Good luck!
Great thanks, Yeah this albino is massive and the people at the pet store made no mention of it threatening my oscars other then it will eat the same things and i assumed would pic up all the food the oscars spit out. Thanks for your help, I will look into a pictus. I also like red tail catfish any word on those fellas?
Great thanks, Yeah this albino is massive and the people at the pet store made no mention of it threatening my oscars other then it will eat the same things and i assumed would pic up all the food the oscars spit out. Thanks for your help, I will look into a pictus. I also like red tail catfish any word on those fellas?

It says in your profile you have a 55 gallon tank.


This is a pretty average sized red tailed cat. They're monster fish, which need tropical ponds rather than tanks.
Scratch that, Yeah i purchased a 125 tank about 2 weeks ago, I will update that. Thanks everyone. That is a massive fish. Yeah I dont have a tropical pond but maybe will give that a wing in the next few years, Was that fish caught in the wild or pulled out of the pond?
I have my oscar with two four lined pims. They get along great. But I got them pims before the oscar and they were atleast 6'' by that time. So find a large pim and you should be fine.

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