Albino African Clawed Frog Info


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2011
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Ok so last christmas my brother and I both got a tank, his is 55 gallon mine is 60. When he got his it was already stocked with fish and had the filter running ect but now decides he wants goldfish! So he's going to eventually (when ever he has a day off) bring his fish into mine. Now I have two 6 inch senegal bichirs, so obviously some of his fish arent going to make it after the first couple nights. The bigger fish will though(they arent as bad as people say they are when hunting fish.. 3 inches and their fine). But he has an albino african clawed frog which I admit is awsome! But I have no idea how to care for it and he could be dropping them off any day!

It's about the size of my palm and I dont think blood worms will satasify it.. But I dont want it thinking my fish are food either, so what do people normally feed them?
You'll find lots of info on frogs in the 'inverts amphibians and reptiles' forum in the other pets section, including helpful pinned topics, and people who really know their frogs :good:
Theres a section for that..? Wow I feel stupid now... :blush: Thank you for telling me. I'll repost there :)

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