Albino African Claw Frog Rescue


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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I was at my friends house yesterday, and noticed he had an African Claw Frog. He doesnt really look after it anymore, but still feeds it. The tank is very neglected. Although I am very new to seriously keeping fish (not just goldfish when I was younger), I want to clean up things for the frog.

IMO, the whole tank needs to be emptied, scrubbed, and recycled. But, there is nowhere to put the frog while it recycles. The tank is only about half full of water to begin with and is very dirty, so water changed might help, but its going to throw the levels way off I think, although, if he is living in this I think he might be ok through that.

Any ideas about what I can do to?
Hi jiffy :)

Fortunately for them, African Clawed Frogs are great at surviving in bad conditions. :eek: That doesn't mean that they should live in them, though.

You could probably just remove the frog, clean the tank and replace the frog. Just be sure to dechlorinate the water. I wouldn't do this with a fish, of course, but these guys are tough! :thumbs:

If you click on the link in my signature, it will take you to a thread with lots of information and links about both African Clawed Frogs and the little African Clawed Frogs. I think you will enjoy reading about them.
I keep my ACF in one of the small acrylic pet carriers in between tank scrubbings. ACF's are pretty dirty,they yuck up the water fast. He does just fine in the little pet carrier until the tank is ready again. He just got his 'dirty hands' and he's taken it upon himself to sing to me every night from 4 am to 6 am. :lol:
Inchworm, thanks for the tips and link. Yea he seems liek a tough critter. I actually think I am going to take him and the tank to my house and keep it here. He is in a 10 gallon tank. I want to keep it coldwater, but put something else in there with him. Apparently he ate everything that was in there with him before cuz they were all small.

What is something big enought that he wont eat it, but small enough for them both to live in a 10 gallon?
There is no fish you can put in there he won't try to eat. Even if it won't fit in his mouth,he's ganna go for it. He's best left in the tank alone.

They've even been known to try to eat smaller frogs. So if you get him a froggy mate eventually,make sure the are nearly the same size.
Hi jiffy :)

About the only thing I can think of to put in a tank with him is goldfish and since the tank is only 10 gallons, that would not really work either. :no:

Another frog, perhaps the regular color, would be your best choice. :D
They will pretty much eat anything that will fit in their mouths. Even some of my bigger fish that I was sure could not fit in their mouths have disappeared. Now I have my 3 ACFs in with two New Guinea Rainbows and a Red Tail Black Shark. They will also eat smaller frogs like said above. I was really worried about adding an Albino in with my two regular ACF's because the two regular ACF's are as big as my hand and the Albino was about the size of a quarter. But he is still in with them, alive and growing! They could have swallowed him whole when I first got him, but didnt for some reason. Good luck on rescuing the frog!

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