Albino AFC


Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2004
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Indiana USA
I have an Albino AFC in my 10 gallon tank with some of my fish. This Thursday I am planning on purchasing a new bigger tank. Not sure what size yet. Well anyway I was wondering if it would hurt anything to keep my frog in the new tank with the fish. He seems really peaceful and pretty much just hangs around on the bottom looking for food and resting. He's never hurt any of my fish. Every once and a while when I feed him sinking shrimp pellets if a fish gets near him and tries to take it he sort of scares it off by shaking his arms in front of the fish.

If not in the tank with the about in a 10 gallon tank filled half way with about 4 Firebelly newts that have a floating island to chill out on?
I assume by AFC you mean African Clawed Frog? If so, these should not be kept with fish. Right now yours may be okay, but eventually he will get mean and eat your fish. At least that is typical with ACFs, yours may be different of course.

I can't comment on the newts, I've never kept them.

Hi LeapFrog_85 :)

African Clawed frogs make great pets, but it would be better if they are not kept with fish. It's not that they are aggressive, it's just that they get big and are capable of eating surprisingly big fish. If you watch them eat, you will see that they do not stalk their food, but rather snap up anything that comes within range.
They are great survivors in their natural habitat and this helps them live.

These frogs grow to be the size of a man's fist and can live 15 or more years. One of our members has one that is 20 years old and still going strong. :nod:

Why not get another one, perhaps a brown one, and keep them both in the 10 gallon tank until they outgrow it? A 20 gallon tank (high, not long) would then be the ideal home for them for the rest of their lives.

They do not need filtration, but they do need a secure cover on the tank to keep them from jumping out.

If you haven't read the pinned article, I suggest you read it because there is much interesting information about them in it and the links you will find there too.

Please let me know what you decide to do. :D
well I did buy a brown one...but it died... it was in a different tank so Prince (my albino) didn't kill it. The pet store hasn't gotten any since....??

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