Alage Problems


Fish Fanatic
Jul 14, 2007
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Okay i have two different alage growths on my/ in my tank. The first one looks like dust alage but i need a photo to positivily identify it. The second is a menace the is brown and grows on my rocks right after i clean them and my plants and the walls of my aquarium. I only have one plant now becuase one plant died because LFS did not tell my it needed high lighting which i have <1wpg. Levels are:

Nitrate: 10 mg/l (none ingected)
Nitrite: 0 mg/l
Ammonia: 0 mg/l
Ph: 8 (hard tap, soon going to ro water/ tap mix)

How do i get rid of the alage. And btw the tank gets little to no direct sunlight.

NOTE: can someone point me in the direction of a alage database
Ottos might be an option for the brown algae. dust algae i just tend to remove by hand during a water change.

How old is the tank? Those types generally appear in new tanks, stay around for 3-4 months, then die off.

Otocinclus and nerite snails are both superb at keeping it at bay if you can get these locally.
my tank is about 5 weeks old and the cycle is fishished, does anyone know of a place that has pictures of this alage so i can positivly identify it.
okay after looking at that i can positvely identify the brown alage as diatoms, and what i have on the glass is not dust alage

it is a clear/white tint and sticks to the glass and wiggles around, they kinda look like tiny dust particles

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