Air Wall And Oxygen


New Member
May 1, 2006
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just started, getting my first tank for my birth day and only had it a few days. Set it up, as said, with plants, gravel and some wood, now waiting for it all to start so i can added fish. I also have an air wall and was wonding what's best for it. Atm it cloudy, but as i have hear that's normal for beginners, but i want to know as to whether to leave my air wall running all the time or not? Is it ok to do this and are there any benefits or drawbacks from this, helpping the fish or plants etc.

Many thanks.
first things first have you cycled the tank? :/
The air wall will probably help a little bit while it is cycling but not significantly. It will not make it take longer either.
No i have not cycled the tank, i only got it on saturday and have had it running since then. What actually is cycling in a few words, because i cannot understand what it genually is.
Would it then make any difference?
hmmm cycling in a few words ere goes -

fish make waste by pooping, breathing and by rotting food in the tank this is turned into AMMONIA

in the air - bacteria come into the tank and convert this to NITRITE

another type of bacteria change the nitrItes into NITRATES

when ammonia and nitrItes are 0 and you get a reading of nitrAtes = ur tank is cycled

the time it takes to ycle can be any number of days

there's a much longer version but i'm using principle of K.I.S.S
When ammonia is present (Fish waste) A bacteria becoms to cultivate in your filter which converts the ammonia into nitrites.

This bacteria is good because it changes the very harmful ammonia too not as hamful nitrites.

But these nitrites are also very dangerous, and another bacteria cultivates which turns the nitrites into nitrates. Nitrates arnt that hamful, but in large quantities it is!

The Nitrates can be removed through 25% water changes.

It will take about 4-6 weeks for this process too be completed, itc called the cycling process.

Now, you have a choice, you can cycle with bottled ammonia by dosing per day, or add hardy fish. If you add fish, the ammonia will begin too rise and bacteria will be produced.

But the temporary rise in ammonia will probably have a few of your fish but i have cycled without any dead fish. This way will take 4-6 weeks

The safer way too go is cycling with bottled ammonia. Adding a dosage a day til lthe bacteria is produced fully. This process is faster (up too 4 weeks, some have done it withtin a week)

This is called fishless cycling.

Fishless Cycling

hmmm cycling in a few words ere goes -

fish make waste by pooping, breathing and by rotting food in the tank this is turned into AMMONIA

in the air - bacteria come into the tank and convert this to NITRITE

another type of bacteria change the nitrItes into NITRATES

when ammonia and nitrItes are 0 and you get a reading of nitrAtes = ur tank is cycled

the time it takes to ycle can be any number of days

there's a much longer version but i'm using principle of K.I.S.S

beat me too it. Hey the kiss method is sometimes wrong, like in this case :hey:
the post was for "in a few words" so i did a few words

i could have written an essay's worth !!!!!

question is do you have test kits to test for ammonia, nitrItes, nitrAtes and pH cos it wont mean anything really if ya cant test for em - you wont know where ur at during cycling!

or then read this!!!

there's no hard and fast rule how long it takes - every tank is different!! - but if u can hanllde the ammonia calculations and concentration of it or is a whizz at maths then go for fishles
Thanks i now understand cycling, but will my air wall benefit it in any way, or is it ok to leave it on all the time.
i left my bubble wall on whilst cycling as increased surface area for oxygen and gaseous exchange as these bacteria also need oxygen and ammonia to grow

left it on too - cos i'm cycling with danios and these need oxygen more i think cos using them to cycle (i know people are against it) but i aint a whizz at maths and with all these different concentrations of it - i aint bothering to try it and then mess it up!!! - as long as i test water every 3 days keep an eye on them everyday and note for changes and try to make their home more comfy for them whilst they are helping my tank cycle - i think i'm doing an ok job of it!!!

someone else may tell me different - but many on here porbably have done a fish cycle - as the fishless cycle may not have been around when they started fish-keeping!!

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