It's like a long tube you hook up to your airpump and it puts air into the water. Take a look at, they should have some pics.
:thumbs: It goes like this......... The air pump pumps air through the tubing (connected to the air stone) and the air goes through the air stone and out into the water. The air stone is basically a porous thing that allows the air to go through it and it creates multiple bubbles. Look up some pics on Google images!
Airstones are usually made of limewood or sintered glass.

A good airstone, when air is pumped in through a tube, produces a ton of very small bubbles. These are sometimes used in protein skimmers. They help oxygenate the water.
BTW betta's don't like airstones, i have one on my 2 gallon Hex Tank and when it's on he's not active. I find that betta's like their water still plus they really don't need airstone cause they are a labyrinth fish they can breathe air to the surface....
I agree with everybody else. My experience is that bettas are happiest the least surface agitation possible. If you use a bubble wand or air stone with bettas, make sure that there's a lot of surface area and I would also include floating plants regardless whether you have a bubble wand or not. The key, after getting a compatible pair, is to make sure the bubble nests that the male betta creates are safe and sound.

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