Air Flow Tube Thingy


Marine Enthusiast!
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Kidderminster, Worcs
i want to add an air wall thingy to my aquarium, like an tube with holes i suppose that wil constantly be pushing air through, i was wondering if it is as simple as i think, i think that it would be a case of just buying the air pump, fixing a air line down into the tank, then getting the air wall thing, is this the case, is there any disadvantages of having the air wall thing
its on this site:
That is pretty much it AdAndrews I have one I love it .

I am new to keeping an aquarium and I have found reading the forums here at TFF , some love air stones and curtains some hate them guess its up to your taste.

One thing I learnt on a post here is if you are positioning the pump lower than the water line of your tank then it is advisable to put a check valve in the line to make sure there is absolutely no chance of water creeping back to your pump and word is invest in the best you can get with air pumps make sure the rating is up to the mass volume of your tank if its under rated the pump will work harder than it should as well as reducing the equipments life span it could get noisy.

Good luck :good:
an air pump will not add CO2 to a tank, air is made up of molucules consisting of 20%oxygen 1%argon 0.3%CO2 and 78.7% of nitrogen.

and air pump will add NO CO2 to the water that is noticeable. if anything it will remove it, because the air molecules travel up through the water because they are less dense and can pick up atoms on the way up, and carbon atoms cling to air molecules and travel to the surface and are dissipated into the air.

its very easy to make a DIY CO2 system, but running an airpump along side will undo all your hard work
i have many times, lol, it was infact really easy but i can cook, i cant make a c02 system so i want to buy one
how hard is it to make DIY CO2?

2 Litre bottle
check valve

warm water

drill 6mm hole in bottle cap silicone airline in place, fit check valve place diffuser in aquarium.

fill the bottle to the first ring with sugar, then fill to the 3rd line with water at 37oC screw on cap and shake till disolved then half a tea spoon of yeast and shake.

rig it up and bubbles should appear in minutes.

thanks truck but i dont want a bottle lying around in my beadroom, i have no where to keep it out of site, not a cabinet or nothing
I assume you're refering to the Tetra optimat? I've never tried it myself but I was considering buying one a few month back. After reading various threads on this forum I decided against it. The Hagen nutrafin yeast kit is favoured. I ended up creating a DIY kit as explained by truck; I can see why you wouldn't want it on show though!

Did you get anyware with your hunt for a cube?

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