Air Bubbles


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2009
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Anyone got any tips on how to reduce the noise from the bubbles off the air lines,ive closed of most of the air with a tiny clamp on the line but it doesnt help with the noise.
Dont tell me i have to put up with it :no: thanks
i find a good way to minimize the noise is to place the pump on something rubbery, i put mine on a spare mouse mat, seemed to quieten it, also if the valve was more open i fink would reduce noise as less resistance for the air flow.
If you mean the noise made by the air bubbles in the tank, then no I don't have any suggestions - unfortunately - apart from possibly changing your airstone.

If you mean the pump itself, then as Benakaben has suggested place the pump on something that will absorb the noise. Restricting the air flow by means of a clamp will only increase the noise from the pump as the pump will fight to provide the output only to hit the restriction if that makes sense?

Strangely if I restrict the output on my airline the pump becomes quieter
Thanks for the replys.
I have the air line connected to a sponge filter and its actually the noise in the water of the bubbles that i was wondering if you can do anything about. cheers

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