Air Bubblers?!?!?!?!


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Hi All-
I'm no begginer but i figured this may be a typical question!

I'm setting up my 10 gallon this weekend, and would like to not use an air bubbler. As I have never done this before in any of my other tanks I need some reassurance!

Will my fish be alright with artificial plants and no air bubbler?

I will be using the filter which came with my 30 gallon set-up for the 10 gallon. So there should be plenty of surface agitation!

I'm still worried though :/
I think as long as you don't overstock then you're fine without an airstone :nod: as you'll clearly have plenty of surface movement. And it looks more natural without! :)
You're fine ...unless you're moving fish from your tanks with a bubbler and they've grown attached :wub:

seriously you should be fine. Most tanks don't need them anyway. I was actually about to remove my stone, but it seems the pleco LOVES it.
Depends, what type of filter do you have? If you have a more than adequate filter and not overstocked tank, then you would have no problems.
HI- Everyone
I have a penguin filter with bio-wheel, I believe its for up to 50 gallons. And its only a 10 gallon tank. I plan to have 2-dwarf guaramis (spelling?) and 3 cory cats. I read that dwarfs actually breath air, and that cory's can take a gulp of air if there isn't enough oxeygen. so i think i should be alright!

Thanks again for the reassurance! After reading up on both species I feel more confident ! :D
Gouramis are have a labryinth organ, which allows them to breath air directly. Bettas also have these. All other fish do not, so if they go to the surface for air then it's a sign of trouble for your tank. You have adequate filtration and with the air bubbler for the tank should help as well.

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