

Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
glenside, pa
Just joined recently and thought I'd send out a hello to everybody else. I just got a couple bettas after a two year dry spell and it has re-awakened the need to have MANY. Right now I only have two. I had three but one recently had to be euthanized. I'm not sure what he came down with, but he just couldn't get over it. Luckily i got him out of the community tank before the other fish got infected.

The other two bettas are perfectly healthy, including a more recent buy, a tiny crowntail boy from petco. He's the smallest betta i think I've ever seen at an lfs, but from what i've heard, has the usual crowntail spunk. Speaking of which, he's currently making faces at his neighbor. This usually devolves into a bubble blowing competition.

Sadly, niether of them have real names yet. Plenty of nicknames, but i haven't settled on anything permanent (I'm very bad at naming animals). I'll post pics asap :)
Hiya and welcome to the betta family :D

Look forward to seeing pics of your guys and sorry to hear you had to euthanise one :-(
thanks :)

as for gulliver (the one that had to be put down) i think it may have been bacterial or parasitical in nature. It wasn't something outwardly noticeable except that he got really sluggish. It wasn't until i put him in a hospital tank that he lost his appetite though, so I think he was as much depressed as anything else. But he wouldn't look at food, and he had no energy, and was having trouble breathing (thought perhaps a gill infection of some sort, but couldn't see anything wrong when I looked). But it's been about a week and a half and no signs in the community tank (thank god) so hopefully it was confined entirely to him and that's all i'll lose.

here are the promised pictures. sorry for the weird lighting, you know how easy fish like to make it (and the light in my room is a bit yellow :X )

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