Ahhhh! My Beautiful Betta Boy


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Hello, I keep my Betta in a 1 gallon bowl with a smooth rock and silk plants, I change the water every week and add 1/2 teaspoon of aquarium salt. He is a pretty mustard gas betta. I just noticed when I went to feed him his pretty full tail fin is shredded horribly, missing chunks and split all over :no: . Less then an hour ago he was flaring and his fin was perfectly fine. I don't think this could be fin rot because just a little while ago it looked fine. I added some melafix to the water, does anyone have any other tips or ideas of what happened?

I read that betta's with full tails can "blow" them with overactivity, my betta is very active and is often looking hyper. I read this is most common with halfmoons and delta tails. I thought he was just a fantail, my avatar is his picture would you guys conisder him a delta?

thanks for any insight you can give.

He looks like a delta to me, with a decent spread, so I'll bet he blew his tail, and then it gets progressively worse. Keep his water very clean, every day or every other day water changes will help it heal much faster. I'd also add a pinch of salt and some Bettamax if you have it. Good luck!

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